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What do not know about the budgie bird - the world of parrot...part 2

What do not know about the budgie bird - the world of parrot...

The parrot

Parrot bird known scientifically as: (Psittaciformes) is the smartest bird on the planet, characterized by its green, blue and yellow color..This bird can imitate a group of sounds and words, this is what made it popular with everyone by being able to imitate about 800 words.

Parrot bird information

What do not know about the budgie bird - the world of parrot...part

For more than two thousand years, the first Europeans who went to Africa to discover them were returning with some strange animals that live in that continent, they were carrying with them especially parrots because of their bright colors and their ability to pronounce, and with the widening of the known world, people came to come with parrots of different types like birketite Lean from India, fortified from South America, custom-cut kittens or prostitutes and spotted prostitutes from Australia. The first parrots carried to Europe were gray African parrots which are not as elegant as some other parrots but are fluent in pronunciation, that is, they can imitate all kinds of sounds and remember them Even words and phrases, too.

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Parrot behavior

Parrots spend most of their lives in trees, have legs and beaks to climb, to land on branches, and in each list have two fingers stretching forward, and two other fingers extended backward that enable them to hold tight and pick things up with their heads, so that some pet parrots, for example, can She drinks with a spoon that sticks to her fingers, and the beak of the parrot is short, thick and very curved and uses it to climb and cling to the tree branch or to the cage bar. Man only breaks it with a large hammer, and it also uses its beaks to open hollows in tree trunks to make nests for them.

African gray parrot

Most parrots are green, and thusAfrican gray parrot are well covered in the forests in which they live, but some of them are brightly colored multicolored feathers, and the large vermilion tonic in South America is a meter long from its large beak to the end of its tail, and it has red feathers, but it also has Its wings have gilded blue feathers, and some blue feathers in the vermilion tail.

Kato parrots or mores with most of them come from Australia, mostly white with bright trims on their heads, so that the large swarm of them, if landed in a cereal field, seemed like a rug of snow, and the most beautiful of all are those with major usages in southern Australia, and they have It is a pale white color in pink on both sides of its face, chest, and under the wings, and has bright stripes in red and yellow. The large black kuiku has dark slate, pale red cheeks and a long black plumage, and she uses her powerful beak to break hard nuts which is her favorite food.

Hyacinth parrot

Hyacinth parrot

The whereabouts of the parrot
Spotted parrots live in large swarms in Australia, and we can often see these parrots landed on gum trees in search of food, about 17 centimeters long, and primarily green in color and have a very long blue tail, and I was bred with multicolored parrots, which are birds Pet is very loving because it is playful, easy to domesticate, learn to pronounce, and there are a total of 59 types of parrots in Australia, and perhaps it can be said that Australia is a country of parrots without any other country including South America.

Reproduction when the budgie bird
Parrots lay a round white egg, the smallest of which may lay nine or ten eggs per year, but older women usually lay only one egg, and parrots do not make nests, but lay eggs in tree cavities, although there are types nesting in the cracks of rocks or in Furrows on the ground, and their chicks grow when their fluff grows more like an owl, and the predominant number of parrots eat nuts, seeds and fruits, and large groups often gather and make noise while eating in gardens, fields and sunny groves.

Cockatiel Parrot

Cockatiel Parrot

In New Guinea, small dwarf parrots, whose length ranges between 7 and 12 centimeters, only eat the insects they collect from cracks in the bark of trees. As for large kay parrots in New Zealand, they kill sheep to eat fat around the kidneys, after they only eat fruits, insects, and worms. It has become a serious danger for farmers in New Zealand.

Of the strangeness parrots are small green hanging parakeet parrots in India and southeastern Asia, and they sleep like a bat with their claws and head down.
