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 5 anaconda facts

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5 anaconda facts

The anaconda is a semi-aquatic snake that lives in rainforests. It is well known for its large girth. There are four species of anacondas: Bolivian, yellow, green, and dark.

One of the big questions about anacondas is whether they can eat humans. Well, the truth is that so far there is no report that has verified such a thing. However, scientists believe that it could be perfectly feasible since these animals ingest stronger and harder prey than humans. For example, green anacondas consume white-tailed deer, which weigh around 55 kilos.

1 Habitat: Anacondas live in South America, east of the Andes. The vast majority of them are found in the following countries: Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, and Colombia.

2 Behavior: this animal is very slow on land, although it can move at high speed in the aquatic environment. They have a solitary character and are buried in the neighborhood during the dry season to remain inactive.

3 Feeding: on the feeding of anacondas, once they have reached their adult size, they can even attack alligators, wild pigs, and jaguars. Contrary to what many people believe, these snakes are not poisonous. When they kill their prey, they do so by wrapping and squeezing their bodies, so that they die from suffocation.

4 Anatomy: Anacondas are the heaviest snakes in the world. Its head and neck are narrow but very large. They have two nostrils and two eyes on the top of the head so that they can rise above the water when submerged. On the body, they have small scales. As for its color and size, it depends on the species. For example, green anacondas are greenish-gray or greenish-brown in color.

5 Reproduction: in spring, females leave a scent trail to attract males. And it is that, although the females remain in the same area during the mating season, the males travel great distances to find the females. Mating takes place in water. Brood balls can last up to a month. After mating, the females gestate the embryos for seven months, during which they do not feed. Anacondas have about 29 babies.
