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Nicki Minaj presents her baby

Nicki Minaj presents her baby   

Nicki Minaj present are baby on social networks

Nicki Minaj presents her baby on social networks

Mom for 3 months, Nicki Minaj took advantage of New Year's greetings to present her newborn to her community.

For 3 months, the American star Nicki Minaj has been the happy mother of a little boy whose name we do not yet know, but whose little face we now know!

In order to express her wishes for this new year 2021, the singer shared a series of photos of her child on her Instagram account. In legend, Nicki also spoke about her joy at becoming a mother in 2020.

Nicki Minaj present are baby on social networks

"__ Thank you so much for choosing me to be your mother. I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. Thank you for all the love and support through this adventure. It means a lot to me. Becoming a mother is by far the best. most fulfilling job I have ever done. Sending love to all superhero moms. A big hug to all the women who have been pregnant during this difficult time. " writes the 37-year-old star.

Discreet since giving birth, Nicki Minaj is nonetheless one of the most prominent American singer of the moment. HBO recently announced that a documentary series will be dedicated to his extraordinary life and career.
