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Munjac Deer or Common Muntiac (Muntiacus muntjak)


The common Pontiac deer is also often referred to as the Indian muntjac deer. It is the same animal, most people may think that they are different in terms of species. They have a brownish color and a bulky body, their legs are short and robust, and the small head resembles that of a cow in many respects.

They are distributed around Southeast Asia. They live on both the savanna plains and grasslands and love tropical forest areas as well. Some of them are found in the mountainous areas of the Himalayas. These animals can come and go when looking for food and shelter, but they must be very close to the water at all times.

They are omnivores rather than herbivores like other deer species. Some of the foods they eat are fruits, sprouts, seeds, bird eggs, and some types of small animals as well. Their large teeth help them to capture these young animals and to consume them with ease.


Females are ready for reproduction when they are about 2 years old. Males will fight fiercely for the right to mate with a harem of females, which can have up to 6 of them. As long as the food is abundant, this process can take place a few times a year.

Once mating has occurred, the young take about six months to arrive. Usually, only one calf is born, but twins are given birth. The mother will care for them until they are about 6 months old. Conservation of the common muntiac


The exact number of the population that remains in the world is not known because it is a species that is widely distributed, however it is not believed to be in danger. There is no conservation effort to protect them and they continue to be hunted, although not to the extreme like other species. They seem to adapt well to changes in the environment, hence it is believed that there is still a considerable population.

What do they eat?

The muntjac is a kind of omnivorous food. It feeds on bamboo seeds, bark, fruits, and foliage, although it also eats eggs and carrion; it can hunt small mammals and birds that nest on land.


Between six and 12 months of age, they are already sexually mature. The breeding season goes from January to March, mainly; females give birth at seven months and suckle their young for approximately two months. The males are territorial, they usually have soil that overlaps that of the females in heat, and that they defend against other rivals by means of the antlers. Both sexes are loners.
