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The Stock Market BMV News

 The Stock Market  BMV News

The Stock Market  BMV News
The Stock Market  BMV News

The Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) closed higher in the session this Wednesday, with an advance of 0.31 percent after having recorded a sharp fall the day before. The local benchmark S & P / BMV IPC index rose 0.31 percent to 51 thousand 84.61 points with a volume of 199.6 million securities traded. Investors expect to hear on Thursday the monetary policy announcement of the Bank of Mexico

 (Banxico), which would raise the benchmark interest rate for the third time in a row, according to a Reuters poll, while local inflation levels remain well above the goal established by the monetary entity. The markets' attention is also focused on discussions in Washington about the debt ceiling in the United States. Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked an attempt by Democratic lawmakers, fellow President Joe Biden, to avoid a potentially devastating default. We recommend: Peso depreciates to its weakest level in the last three months due to the advance of the dollarSectur seeks to promote Mexican

 destinations in Netflix series and movies S&P 500 and Dow Jones rise The S&P 500 and Dow Jones indices of Wall Street rose by a Partial rebound from the previous day's sell-off, with comments from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and the debate on the debt ceiling keeping earnings at bay. However, the Nasdaq Composite fell as Treasury yields halted their rise. Defensive sectors took the lead as investors sought stability in the volatile market. All three major indices are still on track to post monthly declines, with the S&P 500 snapping a seven-month winning streak. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 90.73 points, or 0.26 percent, to 34,390.72 units; the S&P 500 gained 6.83 points, or 0.16 percent, to 4,359.46 units; and the Nasdaq Composite fell 34.24 points, or 0.24 percent, to 14,512.44 units. https://www.milenio.com/negocios/bolsa-mexicana-valores-cierra-ganancia-0-31
