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Movie Nocturnal Animals Three separate stories in one direction

 Movie Nocturnal Animals Three separate stories in one direction

Movie Nocturnal Animals Three separate stories in one direction
 Movie Nocturnal Animals Three separate stories in one direction

nocturnal animals

Nocturnal animals is a classification that collects all living things that are active at night and sleep during the day, and which may differ in their composition and lifestyle, but they share that they are active together during the night. At night, animals sleep while others come out of their hiding places. Every animal in nature hunts, dines and rests at a specific time. The hedgehog, fox, grebe, and owl are not afraid of the dark, but on the contrary. These animals that live at night have a very well-developed vision, a sense of smell, and a very developed sense of hearing.

Movie Nocturnal Animals Three separate stories in one direction

After his directorial debut in 2009 in the Oscar-nominated movie "A Single Man", Tom Ford last year presented "Nocturnal Animals", an adaptation of the novel "Tony and Susan" by American writer Austin Wright, starring Amy Adams. Jake Gyllenhaal.

The film consists of three different stories, centered around the character of Susan, an artist and owner of a contemporary art gallery, married to a businessman who betrays and neglects her with others. A mother of one daughter who lives far away from her.

Susan (Amy Adams) is brought to Susan (Amy Adams) by her ex-husband Edward (Jake Gyllenhaal) with a novel dedicated to her and titled Nocturnal Animals, which she begins reading to take us to the film's second story in which we see Susan's fantasies of the events of the novel, revolving around a man named Tony ( Jake Gyllenhaal), his car is attacked while he is traveling at night and then his daughter and wife are kidnapped in front of his eyes without being able to save them.

During the marriage of Susan and Edward, we see Edward working on writing a novel, some of which he presented to his wife to know her opinion, which without regard to his feelings told him that he was writing a novel about himself - and advised him to leave writing and turn to another field or return to university to complete his studies, justifying her words that she She thinks realistically and that the idea of ​​her husband devoting his life to writing novels only is ridiculous and far from reality, which leads to a quarrel between the spouses and Edward accuses her of not believing in his talent, and that she has become the pragmatic "talking like her mother". Thus, Edward's sensitive and delicate qualities, which initially attracted her, become a major reason for her separation from him.

At the same time, Susan gets to know Hughton, a handsome young man who aspires to succeed in the world of finance and business, with whom he enters into an affair, after which she decides to divorce her husband so that she can marry Hughton. Although Edward catches her and begs her to reconsider their relationship out of love, Susan refuses, claiming that she is unhappy and that he is an overly sensitive person.

In the third story, which appears as the novel Susan is reading, we find a detective named Bobby, tasked with investigating the murder of Tony's wife and daughter after they were raped. As events accumulate, the detective confesses to Tony that he suffers from lung cancer and cannot help him catch the perpetrators, but urges him to "take revenge on his own." Here, the detective novel takes a philosophical turn in terms of the questions it poses: What if the victim owned the killer's fate and could control it?

The novel that Edward sent to Susan seems like a message telling her that he succeeded in his life, contrary to what she thought, and that he was able to forget her and forget what she did to him and go on with his normal life while she remained trapped in her "realism" that only caused her misery, and most importantly, That he was able to write a novel so excellent that it brought terror and tension into his ex-wife's life, even if, once again, he had written it about himself, just as he had done when she first mocked him.

It seems remarkable that the transitions that occur between the three stories avoid confusion. Elaborate make-up and different décor helped identify which of the three stories we conveyed. It overwhelmed the viewer with what affects the recipient and puts him in a psychological state in which he feels disturbed, and the lighting and soundtrack of the film also contributed to this.

About the animals of the night

nocturnal animal eyes

It is difficult for these animals to bear the light of day, when the pupils of their eyes are exposed to a ray of light that shrinks and becomes as fine as a thread so as not to be dazzled by the light. Their eyes are so sensitive that they catch the light even if it is very little. And when you have a feeling that you are in complete darkness, there is still enough light to see the owl clearly. Snakes have no eyelids but their eyes are protected by transparent scales. The frog's gaze is drawn to whatever it detects: a reed vibrating in the wind, a flying insect, an enemy approaching!

The slightest movement in the stillness of the night, provokes snipers and game The deaf owls, like all nocturnal predators, fly silently to hear the slightest movement, pounce on their prey by extending their nails. The peacock sycamore (butterfly) also flies quietly, avoiding bats, its own ears picking up the loud sounds emitted by its enemies.

life at night

At night the bat leaves its lair, sleeps in a tree hollow, in a cave, in a warehouse. His head is down, his wings are folded like a leather robe. The bat flies in the dark with a broken line, how does it go? Most types of bats use their injuries to avoid barriers, they emit loud voices, sounds so light that our ears cannot catch them, and he returns, like echoes, everything that is around him, so his very sensitive ears can pick them up

Have a good day, you live of the night! Every neighborhood sleeps according to a special rhythm, some only wake up part of the night. Many sleep intermittently and lightly. Early in the morning the bats return to their dens, moving and screaming for a long time before falling asleep. Some of the nocturnal animals have returned to their dens: the stoat, the hare, the washering rat, the frogs and the toads... And with the day other animals rise: the small rodents leave their lairs. Squirrels venture out of their nests, tits rumble, and bees begin to buzz.

nocturnal animal names

We mention here the names of the nocturnal animals that are still alive, but some of them are threatened with extinction, and we mention:


the mouse


Bats or bats


snow leopards



the Hedgehog


paradoxical frog

the Scorpion


any any

Andean Bear

flying squirrel

may beetles

Tasmanian devil

African Hound





American porcupine




bush mice



hermit crab



sea ​​turtle

Iranian jerboa

red fox

the wolf

coelacanth fish


slow loris

Coyote, coyote, or coyote

jerboa or jerboa

Over the past years, many nocturnal animals have become extinct, mainly due to the decline and degradation of habitats and human encroachments on the land.

nocturnal animals netflix

Nocturnal Animals is a drama and thriller movie that was officially released on September 2, 2016, and on December 22, 2016, in Germany. The film is produced and distributed by Fox Features, directed and written by costume designer and director Tom Ford. The film is based on the novel Tony and Susan by American writer Austin Wright.

Nocturnal Animals, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Amy Adams, Isla Fisher, Armie Hammer, Michael Shannon, Laura Linney and Kristen Power, and written and directed by Tom Ford.
