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 Sydney Rock Oyster

oyster fish Rock Oyster
oyster fish Rock Oyster

Saccostrea glomerata

Sydney rock oyster




Available for farming, it is a marine and estuarine component that lives intertidally to about 3 meters in sheltered bays and estuaries, especially in mangroves, and tolerates a wide range of salinities. First farmed in Australia (farming began in the 1870s), it is now farmed from southeast Queensland to southern New South Wales with a small enclave around Albany (WA), although it is found along the southeast coast as far south as Geelong (Victoria).

It is endemic to Australia. Their triangular skin is reasonably soft and the flesh has a paler edge. It was formerly known by the Latin name Saccostrea commercialis.

Other names

Commercial Oyster, Rock Oyster, Sydney Oyster or Western Rock Oyster (if from Washington).


Ostreidae (oysters).


Available year-round, with peaks from September to March when it is considered mint, although some people like the flinty hexagon and less salty flavor they have in winter.

height and width

Average total weight 40-60 g and shell length 6-8 cm, although it can exceed 25 cm, it is generally smaller than other oysters.


average price.


Original oyster with flat shell; Hollow oyster, characterized by a pointed shell and a black edge on the flesh.


Usually sold by the dozen or half dozen, already extruded (opened). Look for a shiny, plump, moist meat with the fresh scent of the sea. Unpeeled oysters should be closed or patted when tapped or pressed gently.

elegant - tidy

Shucked oysters are best the day you buy them. They can be refrigerated for up to 2 days, but will taste best if not eaten within 24 hours, and can be frozen for up to 3 months, below -18°C, and used in soups or sauces.

Live oysters should be eaten as soon as possible after purchase. Put them in a container, cover with a damp paper or cloth and store in the warmest part of the refrigerator, usually the crisper (ideally 5°C), making sure the lining stays moist.

for cooking

The average yield is 20-40% from half the skin. It has a rich, salty flavor, low to medium creaminess and a moist, soft, creamy pulp when raw, turning gray-brown when cooked. If not eaten raw, it requires very little cooking, either a quick dip in hot oil (usually with a coating) or a very gentle heat; stop cooking as soon as the edges of the meat begin to curl, as overcooking will be tough and tasteless.

cooking methods

Steaming, boiling, frying, sautéing, baking, grilling, broiling, smoking, raw (sashimi), pickling.

goes well with

Bacon, rusk, cream, eggs, fresh herbs, garlic, ginger, spring onions, lemon, lime, mirin, pepper, soy, tabasco, tomato, wasabi, Worcestershire sauce.


Other oysters that can replace blue mussels in some recipes.


Pacific oysters are imported from New Zealand and are refrigerated in half-shell form. Frozen, dried and smoked oysters are also imported from many countries.
