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Where does the green anole live?


Where does the green anole live?
Where does the green anole live?

Did you know that the green anole is able to move its eyes individually? Isn't it strange that the anolis' prey moves so that you can see it? Without a doubt, everything about this animal seems rather surprising and intriguing. Therefore, we invite you to familiarise yourself with green anoles in this article.

Characteristics of the green anole lizard

The green anole is a type of lizard, and its characteristics make it a very unique animal, often known as a "false chameleon" for its ability to change colour depending on temperature or mood.

Green anoles are made several times during their life, and during the first year, when they are most developed. In addition, female specimens are smaller than males, although both sexes have a tail that can occupy more than half the length of their body.

As for its colouring, it can cover several shades, from brown to grey. At the same time, females have a fine line running along the dorsal region from neck to tail.

Green Anoles Lizard

Order: Squamousida

Sex: Anolis

Weight: 2-6 g

Length: 10.1 - 20.3 cm

Lifespan : 2-8 years

Food : carnivorous

Reproduction : Ovum

Mating season : April to August

Number of offspring: 6-9

Gestation period : 5-7 weeks

Sexual age : 8-9 months

Distribution: Southeastern USA, Cuba, Jamaica and other Caribbean islands

Habitat: Forest and savannah

Where does the green anole live?

It inhabits the southeastern region of the United States, stretching across North Carolina, Florida and West Texas. Similarly, this lizard can also be found in other parts of the Caribbean such as Jamaica and Cuba. In other parts of the world, this animal is considered an exotic species, as it is abundant in areas such as Hawaii, Japan, the Bahamas and Guam.

On the other hand, the habitat of green anoles includes trees, shrubs, walls and wooded areas. In general, their preference for elevated positions is a way to protect themselves from predators. Green anoles also live in urban and suburban areas and are very common on building facades and fence posts.

What do green anoles eat?

To understand what these lizards eat, you need to know that they are omnivores, especially insects. In general, these lizards will eat any prey smaller than their head, so their diet includes a variety of animals. Clearly their preference for one food or another depends on the availability of their environment.

The diet of green anoles is mainly based on insects, including beetles, flies and mosquitoes, although they may also eat spiders, small arthropods, molluscs, seeds and grains. About 50% of the lizard's prey is caught by the wait and watch method, which allows it to pounce on food as soon as it approaches.

Reproduction when a green anole?

Reproduction of anoles takes place between April and August, when high temperatures favour the growth of male and female reproductive organs. Green anoles are polygamous lizards, especially in large populations. After mating, the ovulatory cycle lasts about two weeks.

To attract the female's attention, the male will open his beautiful red jaw while shaking his head up and down. If the female kisses him, the male approaches her and presses her neck with his mouth. He then stands over the female for mating.

Now that we know how anoles reproduce, we should also add that, unlike other lizards, a green anole protects its mate during the gestation process and may deprive other receptive females of the opportunity to mate.

The number of eggs a female can lay varies from six to nine, which hatch in five to seven weeks.

behaviour of the green anole

The green anole is a diurnal type of animal. As it is a hypothermic animal (its temperature adjusts to the temperature of the environment), it must use sunlight to warm its body. These lizards are also known to be very territorial, and the size of their territory (on average about 50 to 100 square metres) is directly related to their body size. As for the females, they often occupy part of the males' territory. For communication, they use green anole as their body colour.

Where does the green anole live?
