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coco animal crossing- Coca marsupial king animal

   coco animal crossing- Coca marsupial king animal 

10 Fun Facts About coca animal-The Happiest Animal In The World

The  coca marsupial  the king animal of the selfie in Australia

Besides being cute, he is popular. The coca marsupial of the macrophid family, like the kangaroo, is enjoying great social media success in Australia, reports The West Australian.

A #quokkaselfie hashtag

Mashable recalls that this little marsupial met with some notoriety in 2013 when he was voted the happiest animal in the world by the Huffington Post. The coca marsupial, which once was present in much of Australia, now survives only in the state of Western Australia, mainly on the islands of Rottnest and Bald. The species is classified as "vulnerable" by the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature).

In recent weeks, the hashtag #quokkaselfie has been collecting selfies made with these mini-kangaroos.
