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Best time to find Quokka animal


Best time to find Quokka animal

The story of the discovery of the coca animal The quokka was discovered by William de Fleming in 1696 AD, who thought that the animal was originally a giant rat.
Best time to find coca animal

Definition of the  Quokka animal

 The quokka animal belongs to the mammal family, in particular it is in the marsupial category, and the quokka is known for its ability to climb trees, and what distinguishes the quokka animal is its permanent smile that never leaves its body. Its kind and friendly treatment of people makes it the best pet to take pictures with

Physical specifications of the quokka animal

The quokka is characterized by its small size and covered with a short and very coarse fur of greyish brown colour, in addition to its small black nose, and small round ears, and its face is short and wide, while its tail is short and hairless, and the hair extends over its feet until it covers its claws, and the weight of the quokka animal varies between 2.5 and 5 kilograms, while its length varies between 40 and 45 centimetres, which is equivalent to the size of a small cat, and it should be noted that quokkas cannot be acquired as pets like other animals.

The story of the discovery of the quokka animal

The quokka was discovered by William de Fleming in 1696 AD, who thought that the animal was originally a giant rat.

The family to which the quokka animal belongs

The coca animal belongs to the kangaroo family, where this small animal shares a set of characteristics with the kangaroo such as carrying its young in its front pocket, and its love of jumping

Best time to find quokka animal

 Early morning or evening is the best time to find a quokka, as it is a nocturnal animal, as it spends all day sleeping and sheltering among plants, so the quokka is most active at night so that it can be found easily.

Average life span of a quokka 

How long does a quokka live?

 For between 10 and 15 years

Reproduction in quokka animal

The female quokka animal can breed when she reaches 18 months of age, where she can give birth to about 17 pups during her life in the wild, an average of two pups each year, whereas on Rottnest Island she only gives birth to one pup per year, due to the short breeding season there, where she can only breed in the period between January and August, but in the wild she is able to breed all year round.

Information on young quokka animal

 The female quokka gives birth to her cubs after about a month of pregnancy, when they are named Joey, and the baby quokka remains inside its mother's pouch for 6 months, after which it is separated from the pouch but remains dependent on its food on its mother's milk for another two months

What do quokka animal eat?

 The quokka is a herbivore, feeding on leaves, thorns, plant bark and grasses and can survive for long periods without eating or drinking water, as it can live on the fat stored in its tail.

Where are the quokka animal?

 The quokka animal is located in the south-western part of Western Australia, where it is found on Rottnest Island, near Perth, in addition to Balad Island, near Albany, and small groups of quokkas can be found in the wilderness around Perth. Tornedrop National Park, Manipex Mountain National Park and others

Quokka australian smiling animal
