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Flamingo Fly - What Do Eat birds Pink


 Flamingo Fly - What Do Eat birds Pink

Flamingo Fly - What Do Eat birds Pink

The flamingo, or what is known as flamingo or flamingo, is a waterfowl that has long and slender legs and is characterized by its attractive pink color, which it acquires from its diet containing carotenoids so that it is born gray, and there are six types of flamingos Which live in different places in the world, but the largest number of them are found in Africa and live in flocks or groups and the number of each flock may reach one million birds, and they are perennial birds that may live for up to 40 years, and flamingos have capable wings It can fly, but it needs to run a long distance before it can start flying.

what does flamingo eat

Where flamingos live, there is a suitable food for it: rich in algae and organic matter, with countless crustaceans, mollusks, and worms.


Some species consume blue-green algae and diatom. They forage for food in shallow areas. Slowly dropping their heads under the water, they shoot to the bottom of the pond with a beak. The head is located in a peculiar way: the crown almost touches the bottom, below is the upper jaw, and in the upper part - the lower one.

Parents feed the trees with plush containing for themselves except for food from allocating semi-digested glands from the prednal and the lower part of the esophagus. It should be noted that this light pink liquid is similar in nutrition to that of mammals. It also contains carotenoids.

Salt and fresh water from the rain, the birds used to drink. To do this, they lick droplets of water on the blades.

In natural conditions, there have been cases in which a flamingo has lived for 34 years.

why flamingos are pink

Have you ever wondered why flamingos are pink or orange? You may have heard that it has something to do with what flamingos eat, but do you know what exactly produces the color?

Flamingos are pink, orange, or white depending on what they eat. Flamingos (bait) eat algae and crustaceans that contain pigments called carotenoids. For the most part, these pigments are found in brine shrimp and blue-green algae that birds eat.

Enzymes in the liver break down carotenoids into fat-absorbed pink and orange pigment particles that are deposited in the feathers, bill, and legs of flamingos. Flamingos that eat mostly colorful algae are more shallow than birds that eat small animals that feed on algae. Therefore, you usually find deep pink and pink flamingos in the Caribbean, but pale pink flamingos in drier habitats, such as Lake Nakuru in Kenya.

Captive flamingos are fed a special diet that includes shrimp (a pigmented crustacean) or supplements such as beta-carotene or canthaxanthin, otherwise, they will be white or pale pink. Young flamingos have gray plumage that changes color depending on their diet.


People eat foods that contain carotenoids, too. The molecules act as antioxidants and are used to produce vitamin A. Examples of carotenoids that humans eat include beta-carotene in carrots and lycopene in watermelon, but most people don't eat enough of these compounds to affect their skin color.

People who ake can tan in for sun tanning (artificial tanning beds) experience discoloration of the skin. Unfortunately for them, the color is more exotic orange than a natural tan than melanin!
