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How Rare Are Blood Types Of Blood Is There

How Rare Are Blood Types Of Blood Is There

how rare are blood types - how many types of blood is there
how rare are blood types - how many types of blood is there


1 The function of blood in the body

2 What are the rare blood types?

2.1 Blood type AB-

2.2 Blood group B-

2.3 Blood type AB +

2.4 Blood type O-

3 Why is type AB the rarest type in the world?

4 What is the function of red blood cells?

5 Why are type AB people special?

6 Diet for people with blood type AB

7 Moroccan advice

Rare blood types, their knowledge goes beyond our curiosity to know if any of us has it. Knowing each of us is the type of his blood type that distinguishes him from others, which is determined based on many considerations such as the people to whom you Through this report, we will know all the information about rare blood types;

The function of blood in the body

Blood performs a very important function in the body, so each blood type differs from the other. Therefore, for the blood donation process to take place, the donor's blood type must match the patient's blood type. The functions of blood are as follows

Regulation of body temperature.

White blood cells act as an immune system.

Blood helps transport food to the different cells in the body.

Contributes to the respiration of cells by supplying them with oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.

What are the rare blood types?

There is a list of the rarest blood types, according to US reports, and it should be noted that the classification of rare blood types is as follows

blood type AB-

This species is considered one of the rarest, as it is found in only 1 in 167 people or 6% of the world's population.

blood group B-

 This species is considered the second rarest, as it is found in 1 in 67 people.

blood type AB +

This family is the third rarest and is found in 1 in 29 people.

blood type O-

This family is found in 1 in 15 people.

blood type B+

This family is found in 1 in 12 people.

blood type O+

This species is found in 1 in 3 people.

blood type A+

The last group in terms of a rarity in the ranking is also found in 1 in 3 people.

Read also "What you don't know about blood type O+".

Why is type AB the rarest type in the world?

People who have the rare blood type AB are special, especially in the case of blood donation, but why do some people have this type and not others, then there are many reasons, as explained by doctors, that we inherit our blood type from genes, because the blood type genes symbolize the protein that expresses the type on the surface of the red blood cells.

Thus, what is discovered determines which blood type corresponds to the patient, it should be noted that all types of blood types contain the basic components of red blood cells, white blood cells or plasma, in addition to platelets, and each has its own function.

What is the function of red blood cells?

The function of red blood cells is to transport oxygen to all parts of the body, and the number of red blood cells exceeds the number of platelets and white blood cells, in addition to the red blood cells on the surface of proteins associated with carbohydrates, and there are several basic signs called antibodies, which are classified into 8 types of blood groups, which range from A, B, AB and O negative or positive. Therefore, there is often a dangerous reaction for patients who receive the wrong blood type or type, as this results in the immune system attacking the unknown antibody.

For people with blood type A, they have often inherited the A gene from one or both parents and the O gene from the other parent, and this also applies to people with blood type B. As for people who have inherited blood type AB, they have inherited the A gene from one parent while they have inherited the other gene from the other parent, and for the number of people who have both blood types A and B, the chances of this mixing are very rare and much less than any other possibility.

Read also "What is plasma and what is its function in the body? "

Why are people with type AB special?

People with the rare type AB+ have an extraordinary opportunity to improve their chances of survival. People of this type have the potential to receive blood donations from any other blood type.

People with AB blood type positive or negative are considered an important source of plasma donations, as this type of plasma can be used to donate to other people with other blood types, regardless of their blood type.

This plasma is used in the treatment of many health problems such as thrombosis, burns and trauma victims.

 Diet for people with blood type AB

Some scientific studies have confirmed that the type of blood type is a good sign to determine the functioning of the metabolism in the body and therefore the type of food to eat. Therefore, according to the studies, people with type AB tend to eat a vegetarian diet that does not depend mainly on meat, but they can rely on a diet that contains the following:

Eat lean meats, including rabbit and turkey meat.


Eat vegetables and fruit.

Whole grains and nuts 2-5 times a week.

It is best to use olive oil for healthy fats.

Moroccan advice

Knowing your blood type is not just a curiosity, but it is necessary to know who you can donate to and from whom you can receive blood, God forbid, in case of bleeding and blood loss for any reason. So please know your blood type as it may be rare and necessary for many people at risk.
