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meet the meerkats is strong, elegant and fast


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The meerkat has a length from head to the body of 25-31 cm and its tail is between 20-24 cm long. Weight ranges from 620-960g. The head is broad and rounded, and the snout is pointed. Its hind legs are thicker than the front legs. Its body is covered with beige fur and is dotted with darker or lighter stripes from the shoulders to the base of the tail. The tail is dark, with short hair and a conical tip.

It is a kind of social and territorial customs. The meerkat is a burrowing animal, living in large underground networks with multiple entrances. The size of the colonies can reach 40 individuals, although on average the group is ten members, made up of an equal number of males and females.

They are diurnal and take refuge in caves at night or when threatened.

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They have a breeding season, with only one female mating at a time within the same group. Depending on rainfall and food availability, females produce between one and three liters per year. Pregnant and lactating females forage more intensively than other group members to meet their high energy intake. The entire group participates in the care and maintenance of the young. While the others are out looking for food, an assistant remains in the den to tend to the young.

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