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Netherlands announced a new infection with a kind of "mink"

Netherlands announced a new infection with a kind of "mink"

Netherlands records new infection with corona from mink

The Netherlands records a new infection with our species from the "mink" animal
The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture said on Monday that it has discovered what it thinks is the second case in which the new Coruna virus is transmitted to humans after contact with an infected "mink" animal.

In a petition to Parliament, the appointed Minister, Carola Shoten, was informed by the National Institute of Health that the transmission of the disease from mink to humans outside the farms where these animals live is negligible.

On April 26, the government announced the discovery of a mink disease on a farm in the south of the country, which prompted a wider investigation that included such farms where the animal is raised for its fur.

Last week, the government announced the discovery of the first case of transmission (Covid 19) from mink to humans, amid fears of this development, according to "Reuters".
Scientists announced that they are still finding new things about the virus that has emerged in China, which has turned into a global pandemic affecting five and a half million people. To date, Wuhan city authorities have announced a ban on eating or hunting exotic animals, and have attended a financial support program to persuade farmers to refrain from raising them and switch to

 to other agricultural activities.
