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you know boy 11 types budgies - talking budgies birds

There are many of us who want a companion who can talk to him. At the end of a long and difficult work day, we want a voice that welcomes us when we get home, and asks us about how it was, the talking parrots are birds that can mimic human voices, and in fact there is a lot of controversy about this The matter and whether the parrots speak while she understands the language she is imitating.

Not all parrots have the same ability to speak, but to varying degrees with each other. Some can only imitate a few words and phrases, while some other parrots, such as buddies, can memorize and repeat approximately 2000 words. Parrots are adept at blind imitation. The wild in Australia has to transmit the same culture when it was used as ornamental birds and was combined with other birds.

We find that all birds talking to them are a great pleasure, and it is good to find a companion like him and there are some parrots that are better at interacting in the issue of talking than others, there are some types that have a better memory than others and are able to store hundreds, but thousands of words, will make you impressed You will not believe how these small brains can master all these words, and examples of talking parrots famous for their intelligence:

1- Among the types of talking parrot is the African gray parrot:

1- Among the types of talking parrot is the African gray parrot:

Gray African Macaw is a talking parrot

Gray African Macaw is atalking parrot

Living with a pet such as the African Gray Parrot may be one of the unique and unforgettable experiences. The African Gray Parrot also known as the Casco Parrot, the African Gray Parrot has a good reputation for being a very smart and well-behaved bird, which is one of the types of parrots that She has a tremendous ability to memorize words and amazes everyone who knows his ability to do so.

Therefore, it is one of the most famous types of parrots, as it memorizes approximately 1000 words, and not only that, but it can also enter them in a suitable context for it. Signs It is a parrot that needs many years of training and practice.

There are two types of this parrot, including the African gray parrot, which tends to learn to speak at a younger age than the other type. The African gray parrot begins to speak at the age of 6-8 months. There are some birds that start talking from childhood, perhaps in the first month, while the feathers did not completely cover them, and also in The age of 3 months depends on the intelligence of the bird. As for the gray African Congo parrot, known as the henna parrot, he learns to speak during his first year, but many of this parrot does not pronounce its first word before it is 12 or 18 months.

As for the personality of the African gray parrot, we find it loving, playful, bringing joy and laughter in the life of everyone who owns it, and it has a sensitive personality, which makes it different from the rest of the parrots, because it needs extreme care and special treatment, so it should not be left alone for a long time, or beat or imprisoned as a type of punishment Because if you do that, you will make him a sad and fearful parrot, and begin to pluck his feathers by himself, sometimes his condition will get very worse and he will die.

Sometimes the budgie dies if he lives with another bird and his partner dies in the cage or he has lost his breeder who loved him so much. He must preserve his psyche and take care of him also nutritionally so offer him fresh vegetables and fruits, and you must make an hour or two of your time per day for him to sit with him and play With him outside the cage.

2- Among the types of talking parrot is Quaker Macaw:

2- Among the types of talking parrot is Quaker Macaw:

Quaker Macaw is a talking parrot

It is similar in size to a cocktail parrot but in terms of sound it is similar to the African Gray Parrot, also known as the Monk Parrot, it is illegal in some parts of the United States - so be sure to review local laws if you are interested in adopting one of these precious little birds In fact, he is a wonderful parrot, an accomplished speaker, and picks up human words clearly, but he is not fast, although during his training he gives results faster than other parrots, and therefore most bird owners prefer it.

The Quaker Macaw is the only parrot that builds its nest for twigs and other plant materials instead of creating nesting in tree cavities as is the case for many parrots, and their nests in their form reach the structures closer to the housing units of birds, so they are divided into individual rooms and separate entrances, surprisingly, nesting structures This is about the size of a small car and weighs about 91 kilograms or more.

The Quaker parrot lives between 25 to 30 years, and as we mentioned, it is the same length as the cocktail parrot, but with a larger body than it, the Quaker Parrot length is from 28 to 30 cm and weighs between 90 to 139 grams.

As for the color, we find that this bird is unique, its upper fringes are green, but on the face, neck, chest, and legs they are colored in a pale gray, the upper part of the abdomen is olive, yellow, and the lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and the top of the tail tend to yellowish-green color and has two gray feet and dark brown eyes There is no difference between male and female in terms of appearance.

As for the personality of the Quaker Parrot, we find that it is a very social bird, and it is characterized by being very friendly and lively and it is an example of a wonderful pet, as it is an active and curious parrot, smart and playful, and it is one of the attractive parrots and is closely related with his fellow humans.

The Quaker Parrot loves to play a lot and gets bored more quickly than any other parrot, so it is recommended to change the game frequently so that he does not get bored, but if we talk about the advantage of the Quaker Parrot in speaking, we will find that he has a wonderful ability to talk as he sings songs too and can pick up from you Many vocabulary, most Quaker parrots learn to speak in about 6 months, they speak very clearly and have many skills such as beeping, for example, so you can get from this bird a lot of loud sounds, barking and screaming.

The Quaker Parrot is considered one of the infamous parrots for being a bird in the cage, it can be severely injured, or even kill the birds that enter the cage without being invited, so it is important to ensure that it is not alongside other birds in the same cage.

3- Among the types of talking parrot is budgie parrot:

3- Among the types of talking parrot is budgie parrot:

Budgie parrot is a type of talking parrot

Many people knew him as "parrots," but his real name was "budgie parrot." The budgie parrot entered the Guinness Book of Records as "the most talking bird" as he was able to memorize and recite vocabulary of more than 1700 words, this parrot is his native habitat in Australia, as he was able to become one of the most popular pets around the world.

When it comes to pets and birds, you find that budgie parrot is a popular choice for many years, these small parrots can be found in any pet store, but generally they are found in abundance in the wild in Australia, and are characterized by many different colors and patterns. People for many years due to their cheerful personalities, attractive colors and affordable and easy-to-care.

If you intend to acquire this kind of bird, you must complete a healthy diet with fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. He loves to eat vegetables, legumes and nuts. This small bird is able to learn a large number of phrases and songs, but its sound tends to be low. It is not always specified, and males give better results during training than females.

A budgie parrot can live between 7 to 15 years, although the true average of a budgie parakeet is currently much less than seven due to abuse, accidents, or a lack of knowledge about caring for birds and therefore the bird dies as a result of all of the above. Also subject to obesity, fatty tumors and intestinal parasites, it requires appropriate veterinary care.

4- Among the types of talking parrot is the yellow Amazon parrot:

4- Among the types of talking parrot is the yellow Amazon parrot:

Yellow Amazon Parrot is a talking parrot

Yellow Amazon Parrot is a talking parrot

Parrots that are from the Amazon family are excellent in imitating the human being and they are bred as pets despite physical and psychological damage to birds, these birds can be trained very easily and can repeat words, sentences and even songs at an early age and this makes them among the smartest types of talking parrot, In the wild, this parrot's ability to simulate sounds helps it intimidate predators by simulating the sounds of large animals.

5- Among the types of spoken budgies is the eclectus parrot:

5- Among the types of spoken budgies is the eclectus parrot:

The eclectus parrot is a talking parrot

This parrot is rooted in the rainforests of New Guinea, and it is a parrot colored in several colors, both sexes of this type of parrot are different in shape and have been considered separate species for a long time, and the male has green feathers and a yellow-orange beak, while the female has red and purple feathers And the black beak, they are from the famous pets all over the world because of their ability to imitate the words, sounds and songs that they hear over and over again around them and this is what makes them among the smartest types of parrot spoken in the world, they also have beautiful sounds they use to attract the partner, their numbers decrease due to the animal trade Illegal pets.

6- Types of talking parrot:

6- Types of talking parrot:

The Indian parrot is a type of talking parrot

The Indian parrot is a type of talking parrot

The Indian parrot is usually found throughout South Asia, and it is also a popular pet in this region, and it can learn and repeat about 200 to 250 words and also sings rhythms of songs. The Indian parrot has the ability to repeat words in exciting ways. This is considered one of the smartest types of talking parrot And, this bird is often used in circus because it can speak easily.

7- Types of talking parrot include monk parrot:

7- Types of talking parrot include monk parrot:

Monk parrot is a type of talking parrot

Monk parrot is a type of talking parrot

There are these types of green and gray colored parrot in Europe and North America and South America and usually live in groups, which is one of the smartest types of talking parrots and also from the famous pets in Europe and America, and depending on the method of training these parrots can learn to imitate many words And repeat over and over again, and it can also imitate them with the same emotions that are said, so it is one of the smartest types of talking parrot.

8- Types of talking parrot:

8- Types of talking parrot:

Macaw Hill Mina is a talking parrot

It is like an Indian parrot, and there is an abundance of Hill Minah in abundance in Southeast Asia, and he is very adept at imitating sounds, despite this ability, this parrot is not very popular as a pet, and is usually found in the wild, it imitates bird calls and other sounds For different animals, some types of this parrot can mimic human voices, and if well trained, they can also mimic accents accurately, so it is considered one of the smartest types of talking parrot.

9- Types of talking parrot:

9- Types of talking parrot:

Cockatoo macaw is a species of talking parrot

Cockatoo macaw is a species of talking parrot

This distinctive parrot has been found in Southeast Asia and Australia and you can easily identify it through its distinctive shape its distinctive beak, some types of this parrot are better in simulating human voices than others, others are better in imitating the voices and calls of different animals, cockatoo from pets spread Frequently due to its long life and ability to speak, training these parrots can be difficult at times and words should be repeated continuously with the same tone and speed, and this parrot is also among the smartest types of talking parrot.

10- Types of talking parrot: yellow crown parrot:

10- Types of talking parrot: yellow crown parrot:

Yellow crown parrot is a talking parrot

Yellow crown parrot is a talking parrot

These colored parrots are found in the rain forests of South and Central America, and there is a distinctive yellow spot on its head, some types of parrots of this type can speak very well while others do not speak well, this type of parrots is a long life more For 60 years, he is also considered among the smartest types of budgies to speak in the world.

11- Types of talking parrot: blue Amazon parrot:

11- Types of talking parrot: blue Amazon parrot:

Blue Amazon Parrot is a talking parrot

Blue Amazon Parrot is a talking parrot

This type of talking parrots is native to South America, you can recognize it from its yellow face and blue spots located near the eyes and beak, and it is a pet spread in North America and Europe, and it can be trained very well to imitate the human voice, which is also one of the smartest types of parrot spoken in the world .
