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House Finch - Golden Finch Bird

House Finch - Golden Finch Bird 

House Finch - Golden Finch Bird
House Finch - Golden Finch Bird

What is a goldfinch?

The golden sparrow or goldfinch is a beautiful, brightly colored little bird native to Australia and is a social bird that lives in groups. Both males and females are beautifully colored with black, green, yellow and red markings. However, females are less bright. One of the main differences between the sexes is that the male's chest is purple, while the female's chest is light purple. The heads of Goldian diamonds can be red, black or yellow. The chicks are greenish gray in color. This bird is one of the most sensitive and temperamental birds.


Where does the goldfinch live?

These birds are native to Australia but at present we can only find them in the Northern Territory and the Kimberley in Western Australia. These birds live in tropical savannahs, forests and grassy plains areas near water.

What is the social behavior of the Golden Finch?

Goldian birds are social birds, often joining mixed flocks of up to 1,000 to 2,000 individuals. During the dry season, these birds become more mobile as they move wherever their food and water are. Golden sparrows are active during the day. They often feed in small groups on the ground or in flight. They are generally silent birds but occasionally make a high-pitched whistle.

What do goldfinches eat?

Goldfinches eat ripe and semi-ripe grass seeds and sometimes a few insects.

How does the Goldfinch reproduce?


Golden Diamonds are monogamous (meaning that the two birds form a single pair) and form long-term pair bonds. These birds usually breed in the early dry season. When there is plenty of food around. When a male flirts with a female, he swings and uncovers his feathers in an attempt to show off his bright colors. Expands his chest and shows off the feathers on his forehead. Pairs make their nests in tree holes. The female lays between 4 and 8 eggs. The incubation period lasts 13 days and both parents incubate during the day, and the female usually stays on the eggs at night. When the eggs hatch, both parents share custody of the young. The young are able to leave the nest 19 to 25 days after hatching and are fully independent at 40 days.

How long does a goldfinch live?

The average lifespan of a Goldian is 5 to 9 years.

What are the threats to the goldfinch?

The main threats to Goldian diamonds are forest fires that occur during the dry season. Where these fires destroy the birds' native habitat and steal their food. Other serious threats come from increasing human development and livestock grazing which also destroys the grasses that golden sparrows depend on so much for food. Golden sparrows are also sought-after birds by humans because of their stunning colors, which makes them vulnerable to hunting.

