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Termites - Where Do Termites Live

Termites - Where Do Termites Live 

Termites - Where Do Termites Live
Termites - Where Do Termites Live

white Temite

Termites are defined as a group of cellulose-eating insects and are called termites because they do not belong to the family of ordinary ants, although their social system is similar to that of ants and bees. Termites are more closely related to the class of cockroaches than ordinary ants, and that is why termites are classified in the family of reticulates (in English: Dictyoptera)

Termite Colonies

Termites usually live in collective underground colonies, where life in these colonies is divided into three basic layers: the worker class, the soldier class and the queen and king producer class responsible for the reproductive processes, where the worker ant class is invisible. Unless they are discovered Digging in the wood, they feed on wood and cause damage to it.It should be noted that this class lives about five years.In addition to this, they are distinguished by a yellow head and a large jaw, and the length of the ant that works is about 0.63 cm. As for the class of soldiers, it is characterized by their number Less, and their work is to protect the colony in case of external attack, where the soldiers use their jaws to defend themselves, as for the layer of queens and kings, it is characterized by dark brown or black, and has two pairs of transparent wings of equal length, and this layer is only responsible for reproduction in the colony.

 The most common place for termites to spread

 termites are widely distributed, as they contain 2,750 different species, especially in tropical rainforests around the world, where they are found in North America, especially in Vancouver and Colombia, as well as the Pacific coast, eastern Canada, the Atlantic coast and many European countries, South Korea, northern Japan, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries.

Body structure of the Termite 

 Termites can be distinguished from other types of insects, paying attention to their body composition, as they are characterized by several things, including: Termites have a rectangular body, as they do not have a waist in the center of their body. termites have straight antennae. Termites have wings of equal shape and size, and their wings are longer than their bodies.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Reasons for termites in the home

There are several reasons behind the appearance of termites, including: [1] the presence of openings that allow ants to enter the house; For example: openings near the exterior door of the house. Water leaks, especially in the kitchen near the sink or even inside the bathroom, which lead to large gatherings of termites in these areas. Not paying attention to the cleanliness of the house, and not ventilating it well, which leads to termites accumulation. Leaving the door or windows of the house open for a long time, which leads to ants entering the house through them. Leaving the house dark for a long time, leads to the collection of termites clearly. The floor of the house should be made of wood, which leads to the collection of ants on it or even inside. The presence of some sweet substances, sweets or food remains located on the ground in or around the house, or due to the presence of some grains on the ground in the vicinity of the house, which leads to its entry into the house .

Getting rid of termites in the house

 To eliminate termites, the following steps can be taken:[2] Seal all openings in the house. Using ant powder, by spraying it on the gatherings of ants in the house, and care should be taken not to touch it by hand, and not to reach the food, because of the possibility that it is toxic to humans. Clean the house carefully with a sterilizer; Because of its great role in cleaning and sterilization. Sprinkle cinnamon in the areas where termites congregate in the house, and vinegar can also be sprayed, as it expels the ants from the house and prevents them from returning. Close the doors and windows of the house and do not leave them open, in addition to getting rid of the ants around the house through the use of special chemicals and insecticides. Do not leave food residues on the dining table, on the sink or even on the floor. Eliminate all cellulosic materials; such as: straw, and plant residues from the ground, both inside and around the house.

Information on termites

 termites are a type of insect that lives in large groups or colonies in the soil, and it is widely spread, and its color is white, and its head is directly connected to its tail, and it feeds mainly on cellulose found in the wood of various trees and plants, and this poses a threat to the person A person, if present, prefers to stay away from its gathering areas, or try to get rid of these gatherings in various ways.[3]
