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How Do Budgies Mate

 How Do Budgies Mate

How Do Budgies Mate

How Do Budgies Mate

Let me clear up any misconceptions ou may have about breeding the African grey budgies , also known as the casco. Breeding the African grey budgies is not as easy as throwing two birds in a nice cage and waiting for the natural process and production of new breeds, there are actually many things that If you are considering breeding and raising an African grey budgies , you should check with an ornithologist before you start.

African Grey budgies Breeding Information

First of all, you must first choose a good pair of African Grey budgies , feathered grey budgies or parrots with an eating disorder will have no desire to breed, and any attempt to breed them will be stressful for them and cause them stress.

Signs of poor health include featherless patches on the chest and wings, a wagging tail, eye discharge, abnormal urine color, and undigested lumps in their droppings.You should choose a healthy African Grey parrot of reproductive age for the breeding process.

How does the African grey parrot reproduce?

Secondly, you need to think about the appropriate environment for the breeding process. Parrots in the wild rely on natural instinct to complete this natural process, when it comes to getting to know their life partner, and it may also depend on environmental cues such as climate, but that may not be the answer. When your African Grey budgies is in captivity, then the best thing to do is to make the space they live in more suitable for the breeding process, for example, the cage should be at least 4 × 4 × 4, and loud sounds should be kept Bright lights are kept to a minimum, and the basic idea is to keep the birds in a place where they feel safe and comfortable.

Another essential thing to keep in mind is the diet of the African Grey Parrot.The actual components of the diet of these birds should not change significantly, African Grey budgies need as little disturbance as possible, and even changing the water and food dishes can be difficult Somewhat, and when feeding these birds to your birds, it is best to change the dishes at intervals, to give them enough time to breed between feeding dates.

The minimum time to keep the African Grey Parrot inside the cages to breed together is (30-60) days, and it is important not to disturb the birds as much as possible, and if possible, use the method of knocking on the door before entering the room where the birds are instead Of its stress and disturbance, and the birds will get used to it, just knock twice and stop before entering, and the gray budgies will understand what you mean, and this will reduce their panic attacks.

As soon as the African Grey budgies starts to show protective behaviors such as approach grunts or nervousness, there is a high probability that the female has laid eggs, and it is always best to wait a few days before checking the egg. cage, as this will affect the rest of the budgies on the eggs, and don't try to annoy your parrots until the isolation time is over.

How to raise a Durra parrot

Chicks are very sensitive and are affected by a minimum of contaminants, so take this into account and clean the cage and its areas at least twice a day.

These  parrots like certain foods and prefer them to others, such as wheat, applesauce and bread pudding.

This bird loves and knows its owner well and loves to play with him and stand on his hands or shoulder.

The Durra bird loves movement and activity, as it is energetic and fast in movement, as it likes to walk or fly around the house and you know it.

It also likes to pet and stroke or wipe its head, as it likes its owner to give it its food by hand.

The parakeet is one of the most suitable birds for beginners in the field of home bird breeding, because it does not have many requirements and because it likes to play and have fun with its owners in a pleasant way.

Care should be taken to cut the nails of the Durra budgies if its length is respected, because it disturbs it when they are too long, and can cause some problems like its attachment and restrict its movements in the cage.

When training Al-Durra, it is taken into account that its owner starts to familiarize him with the place, reassuring him and letting him roam around the house, until he gets used to fly freely and return to his owner.

The training begins by training him to stand on his owner's hand and understand the sign on his extension that his owner wants to jump on it.

how long do parrots live

The parrot has a long life span of up to 120 years, which is one of the longest periods of life,[3] however, the lifespan of this bird varies according to its species. 8 years; Some of them may live between 10 to 12 years, and the average age of the Cockatiels, which reaches 30.5 centimeters in length, ranges between 15 to 20 years, and the Large Macaws may live 40 years or more, as well as the parrot African Grays, which are 25.4 to 35.5 centimeters long; It may live for more than 40 years as well

what do parrots eat

Parrot is considered a omnivorous animal, as it can feed on meat and plants, and the diet of the parrot consists mainly of fruits, buds, seeds, flowers, insects, and nuts. It has strong jaws that enable it to open the nut shells, and reach its existing seed In its pulp, the seeds are the parrot’s favorite food.[1] The Kea or Keas parrot uses its beak to dig in the soil and reach for insects to feed on, and the owl or kakapos parrot feeds on plants and can also drink juices. 

where do parrots sleep

The parrot lives in varying temperatures, as the place in which it lives varies according to its type; For example, the chestnut-fronted parrot, the thick-beaked parrot, and the kea parrot live in cold and snowy climates, but the majority of parrots live in the warm regions of the southern hemisphere, and some live in northern Mexico, and it is indicated that the greatest diversity Parrots are found in South America, Central America, and Australia, and the parrot lives in groups, and the number of members of one group can reach 20-30 birds, such as the group in which the African gray parrot lives.[1]

parrots for sale price

Many people want to have a pet at home, and when thinking about the available options, birds are among the most beautiful things to buy, as they are distinguished by their beautiful colors, and often the sweet sound of their singing. There are different types of birds, their shapes, and sizes, and most important of all, they differ in their prices. Some birds can be obtained for cheap amounts, but some birds are sold at very exorbitant prices. Here we will review the ten most expensive types of birds, which are:[2]

 Racing bath:

 (English: Racing Pigeons) The Bolt racing pigeon, named after the world's fastest runner "Usain Bolt", is the most expensive bird in history. It ranks first in the list of the most expensive birds

. Black Palm Cockatoo

Cockatoo One egg per year, so this type of rare bird is sold at a price of 17 thousand dollars. This parrot is found mostly in the Arrow Islands, New Guinea, and Cape York Peninsula.


The toucan, which belongs to the family of passerines (English: Ramphastidae), is one of the most beautiful birds. Toucans are the tallest in the class of birds. The toucan, which is often found in the Caribbean, South America, and southern Mexico, sells for ten thousand dollars. 

The sapphire macaw: 

(English: Hyacinth Macaw)  macaw is the tallest type of parrot, with a body length of up to 100 centimeters, and a weight ranging between 1.2 - 1.7 kilograms. The southern region, and one of them is sold at a price of nine thousand and 500 dollars.

 Pink flamingo,

 or flamingo: (English: flamingo) The flamingo is one of the most beautiful and largest birds, with beautiful feathers, as indicated by its name, and there are approximately six species of flamingo, and the speed of flamingos reaches 35 miles per hour, and often The flamingo is seen standing on one leg in order to obtain more heat, and its price reaches a thousand dollars.

 Scarlet Tanager:

 (English: Scarlet Tanager) is a small songbird with a length of 16-19 centimeters, distinguished by its bright colors, covering its body with red and yellow feathers, and the wing is black. Cochineal tanager lives in moderately hot places, and it sells for $900.
