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Where do peacocks live and what do Indian peacocks eat?


Where do peacocks live and what do Indian peacocks eat?
Where do peacocks live and what do Indian peacocks eat? 

The peacock includes three types of birds that can be distinguished by the bright colors of their plumage: the Indian peacock, the green peacock and the Congo peacock.

The peacock belongs to the class of the pheasant family.. The name peacock is given to both sexes by almost everyone, but the fact is that only the male is called the peacock. The female, in English, is a peacock, which in Spanish translates to "Indian peacock" although it sounds a bit strange.

Description of the Indian peacock

The peacock has a body length of 1 to 2.5 meters and weighs between 3 and 8.8 kilograms. The male and female can be easily distinguished by a number of physical characteristics. First, the female is smaller and lighter than the male, and second, the male is more attractive.

The peacock attracts attention with its feathers . The feathers on the abdomen, breast, neck, head and back are a bright, intense blue or green if the peacock is green. The facial feathers have yellow or white stripes and a small crest of brown or blue feathers is located on the top of the head.

Police period. It is one of the most beautiful in the animal world and rises majestically only in the male for breeding purposes. When it is open and vertical, it touches the ground and a fan of very long feathers that ultimately resembles an eye, called a single eye, appears in various colors ranging from green to dark blue.

Behavior of the Indian peacock

The peacock is a calm bird and can be tamed; however, if you feel threatened, it becomes nervous. It is diurnal and diurnal in this way: at night it sleeps in trees and in large flocks, and in the morning it wakes up and divides into small groups in search of food. In the middle of the day, it looks for a source of water to drink, puts away its feathers and prepares to rest. In the late afternoon, it starts eating and drinking again, and the next night it climbs a tree to "prepare" for the night's rest.

Indian Peacock feeding

The diet of this firebird consists of amphibians, reptiles, small insects, plants and some flowers, whose petals it feeds on.

Reproduction of Indian peacock

Peacocks are polygamous and it is natural that they form a harem. When he flirts, he opens his tail to "show off" to the female. If the male kisses, he moves his tail, which makes the feathers vibrate and makes noise when he rubs. This is where the importance and function of the tail lies, as females choose the male based on the prominence and size of the tail feathers.

After mating, the female lays 3 to 5 eggs in her daughter's nest on the ground with pieces of twigs. Incubation lasts about 26-30 days, during which only the female takes over. Immediately after hatching, the chicks walk to dine on the grass in front of the mother's eyes. After two months, they could see for themselves and acquire the physical characteristics of adult specimens.

Threats of Indian peacock

Natural threats to peacocks are usually cats, foxes, dogs, leopards and tigers. Humans also pose a threat to the bird, as they see it as a beautiful specimen suitable for exotic animals and even gastronomy.

All three species have a special designation on the IUCN Red List: "Vulnerable" for the Congo peacock, "Least Concern" for the common peacock and "Endangered" for the green-necked peacock.


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