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What is the difference between a rat and a mouse

What is the difference between a rat and a mouse
What is the difference between a rat and a mouse 
If you're thinking of adopting a rat or a mouse as a pet, you've come to the right place: in this article from PlanetAnimal, "What's the difference between a rat and a mouse?" we're going to go over the differences between these two animals, taking into account the physical characteristics, behavior and intelligence of these rodents.

Discover all the differences between rats and mice as well as some surprising information about them: they are very intelligent and social animals that you will love if you adopt one.

Physical differences between rats and mice

To begin with, you should know that the mouse and the rat are not the same species. The rat belongs to the genus Rattus, which includes 57 different species such as Rattus rattus or Rattus norvegicus. As for the mouse, it belongs to the genus Mus which gathers 38 very diverse species, including the Mus musculus, better known as the "house mouse".

Physically and generally speaking, you can distinguish a mouse from a rat by their size: the size of a rat can reach up to almost 30 centimeters while the size of a mouse ranges from 7 to 15 cm (although some can reach 20 centimeters).

However, th best way to physically differentiate a rat from a mouse is to observe the small details of their physiognomy:

the rat has larger legs and smaller ears compared to the mouse.

The whiskers of the mouse are generally longer than those of the rat, which reduces its visual capacity, but is compensated by a very developed hearing and sense of smell.

The color of the rodent is another physical difference to consider: the rat is generally dark in color (brown, black, gray) and the mouse has a mixture of light and dark colors (brown, white, gray).

What is the difference between a rat and a mouse
What is the difference between a rat and a mouse 

Behavioral differences between rats and mice

Among the differences between rat and mouse, here are some behavioral differences of this two rodents

The rat can show very distinct behaviors to express its emotions. A rat is happy when it jumps, wags its tail or grinds its teeth. On the other hand, when it feels threatened or stressed, it manifests itself through high-pitched squeals, biting and may even strike wildly. It is strongly recommended not to disturb a rat that hisses, shows its teeth or has bristling hair.

Rats are very social animals that enjoy the company of other rats. They are accustomed to grooming, sniffing and affection.

Mice, on the other hand, are also very social animals that need to be with other members of their species. You can only put one male together with several (neutered) females, unless two males have been raised together since birth. Otherwise, you may find that serious conflicts arise.

Mice do not usually show aggression as quickly as rats, but they are able to stand up on their two hind legs (using their tail) to prepare to attack if necessary. In general, we can say that they are more docile than rats, but it also depends on the character of each animal.

What is the difference between a rat, a mouse and a field mouse?

The field mouse differs physically from the rat and the mouse by its size (it can measure up to 10.5 cm and has a tail of 6 to 9 cm), and by its coat. It is beige, reddish or dark brown in color and its belly is white. In addition, its eyes and ears are smaller than those of the mouse and its hind legs are stronger. Its weight varies from 13 to 27 g.

Regarding the behavior of the field mouse, this small rodent usually lives at night and is very present in the countryside.

You have reached the end of our article! We hope to have informed you more about the differences between these rodents. See you soon on PlanetAnimal!

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