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Which Dogs Live The Longest

Which Dogs Live The Longest

Which Dogs Live The Longest
Which Dogs Live The Longest

When it comes to our pets, we want them to stay as long as possible. So when choosing a dog, how do you know how long your favorite dog will live? Is it based on breed, size and gender? If you want a pet for life, a dog may not be the right pet for you. Can you imagine advising your guests to "Go back to our house, be careful with our pet Galapagos tortoise!"Turtles live 100 years or more!! They must be passed down from generation to generation; but when it comes to dogs. Their lifespan can range from 8 to 18 years depending on many factors. Let's take a look at 10 dogs with the longest lifespan and how long they can live!

10: Beagle 10-15 years

The beagle sits in the middle of the road with its tongue sticking out

This breed was originally bred to hunt wild rabbits.

Beagles are small to medium sized hunting dogs that weigh about 20 pounds. The most common beagle is a multi-colored beagle with a tan head, dark brown stripe around the back, white legs, belly and face. Snoopy, the hound is in the cartoon blockbuster! Beagles are known to be funny and easy going, but they are also good hunting dogs. The average lifespan of a Beagle is 12 years, but some also live 15 years or more.

9: Yorkshire Terrier 11-15 years

Yorkshire Terrier

Although delicate, the Yorkshire Terrier is known to be feisty and bold.

Yorkshire Terriers, or commonly known as "Yorkshire Terriers," are a small breed of dog known in the United States for being a pampered pet. You may have seen these cute little dogs with bows in their hair and a matching jacket and slippers, which is a nice little jacket because these dogs rarely weigh more than 7 pounds. The typical Yorkie has long beige fur around his face and silky, steel-gray fur on the rest of his body. Its fur resembles human hair and is hypoallergenic. The dogs usually appear on long life lists and Yorkies usually live between 11 and 15 years.

8 : Lhasa Apso 12-15 years old

Lhasa Apso plays ball in the garden.

Lhasa Apso plays ball in the garden.

The long beige fur covering the eyes is the trademark of the Lhasa Apso breed. These small dogs, weighing about 15 pounds, were found in the Himalayas and were favorites in monasteries as well as palaces. They tend to be cold to strangers but very loyal to their owners. These little dogs live an average of 12 to 15 years.

7: Australian Shepherd Dog 12-15 years old

Australian Shepherd

A fiercely loyal Australian Shepherd, they develop a strong bond with their owner.

Australian Shepherds, or "Aussie's" for short, are the largest dog on our list, with males weighing between 50 and 65 pounds. Aussies are sheepdogs and are considered the dog that cowboys most often choose for grazing and can be found on farms and ranches as working dogs. They need a lot of exercise and are eager to train and please their owner. Daily activity and fresh air are probably what keep them fit and last longer than most dogs. The average life expectancy of Australians is 12 to 15 years.

No. 6: Maltese, 13 to 15 years

Maltese through the fall leaves

The Maltese has a silky, elegant coat.

These adorable little dogs with long white fur are originally from Malta, an island in southern Italy in the Mediterranean Sea. They are toy dogs that weigh no more than 7 pounds, but they are not fragile and can perform well on agility courses. Maltese can be more difficult to train as they can be a bit stubborn, but they respond well to rewards. They are very affectionate dogs to their owners and can be playful and charming. They often live longer than 13 years, most live between 13 and 15 years.

5: Dachshund 12-16 years old

Dachshund lying on tree trunks

The Dachshund is also known as the sausage dog.

Affectionately nicknamed "Wiener dogs" because of their hot dog shape, dachshunds are tall, lean dogs that are usually dark brown or black with dark brown feet. They have short, small legs and it looks like they have to work hard to keep up with their bodies. They are available in mini (11 lbs) and standard (16-32 lbs) sizes and in three different coats; Straight Hair, Metallic Hair and Long Hair. Despite their small size, they can be very brave and seem to have a fearless demeanor. They must be fearless because they were originally bred to hunt badgers. These companion dogs can live up to 12-16 years.

4: Pomeranian 12-16 years

Pomeranian sitting on a mat

Pomeranians are determined and confident.

These fluffy dogs look like they just came out of the dryer! These balls only weigh 3-6 pounds and are 6-7 inches tall, probably the size of a laptop screen! They come in a variety of colors and labels. Pomeranians are easy to train and get along with their owners. These smart little dogs live between 12 and 16 years.

3: Chihuahua from 14 to 16 years old

Chihuahuas enjoying the sun with a basket of flowers

Chihuahuas weigh an average of five pounds.

Chihuahuas are often associated with movies and commercials under the name "Taco Bell" dog. These dogs are native to Mexico, being a national symbol of the country. They have large black eyes and large ears that look quite large for their 6 pound bodies. Sometimes these dogs are called "pets" because they are easy to carry in a bag or purse. They are known to be rude and think they are bigger than they are. But they are great pets and can be lifelong companions from 14 to 16 years old.

2. Shih Tzu 10-18 years old

Shih Tzu (Familiar Canis) - Passes through fields near the lake

These dogs are common all over the world but originated in China. They were one of the favorite pets of the kings of China. They are small dogs with white, beige or black fur that are friendly with everyone. Because of their gentle temperament, they do not make good guard dogs! One of the reasons Shih Tzu's have such long lives is that they seem to have very few hereditary health problems, so if properly cared for, they can live an average of 16 years, some as long as 18 years or more.

1. Poodle toy 10-18 years old

The smallest dogs: Poodle toy

The Toy Poodle dates back to the 17th century.

The toy poodle is the longest-lived dog on our list. Toy poodles weigh between 4 and 6 pounds and are only 10 inches long. Toy poodles come in a variety of colors and have curly hair. These cute little dogs are easy to train and eager to please their owners. They are good family dogs and get along well with young children. Surprisingly, these little dogs are actually as good swimmers as the miniature poodle and the standard poodle. Their coats are waterproof and they love to retrieve in the water. Toy poodles have a lifespan of 10 to 18 years, and most live well beyond 10 years.

Do large dogs live longer than small dogs?

No! In most animals, larger species live longer than smaller species. The African elephant and the bowhead whale are among the largest and longest lived. The African elephant can live up to 70 years and the bowhead whale can live up to 200 years! At the other end of the spectrum are animals such as houseflies, dragonflies and house mice that live from a few weeks to a few months. For dogs, smaller breeds consistently live longer than larger breeds. Although researchers are not sure there is a definitive answer as to why this is true, they believe it may be due to the rapid growth that larger dogs achieve in their first two years of life.

However, the oldest dog ever recorded was Bluey, an Australian Cattle Dog who would like to be over 29 years old! As you'll notice, we didn't have any Australian Cattle Dogs on this list, so some dogs may outlive their breed average lifespan considerably.

Do females live longer than males?

Some studies have shown that female dogs live longer than male dogs, but the most important factor seems to be whether the dogs have been spayed or neutered. Researchers have found that spayed bitches live longer than healthy bitches. According to the study, spayed bitches lived 26.3 percent longer than healthy bitches. Sterilized males also live longer than healthy males.

Is there a difference between sterilized dogs and healthy dogs?

Yes! Numerous research trials have shown that spaying and neutering your pet dogs has a beneficial effect on their life expectancy. Researchers have studied over 40,000 dogs and found that spayed and neutered dogs had a longer life expectancy than their healthy counterparts.

Do purebred dogs live longer than mixed breed dogs?

If you think that buying a purebred dog will make your pet live longer, you may be misled. There doesn't seem to be a significant difference between the age of purebred and mixed breed dogs.

Which dog breeds live the longest?

The most important factors in a dog's lifespan are size and breed. Smaller breeds always live longer than larger breeds. Let's take a look at the dog breeds that have the longest lifespans.

Do you still think you would rather have a turtle?

So, if you don't find a long-lived dog on this list that you think you might enjoy and still want to go with a pet turtle, remember that turtles won't greet you at the door after work and their eyebrows have won. I have no trouble convincing you to give them a bite of a pork chop while they are really not good pets to watch shows with. If you take good care of your dog and give it proper care and nutrition, it will probably live up to these odds and be a loving companion for years to come.
