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Goat Milk Soap Benefits What is Goat Milk Soap?


Goat Milk Soap Benefits What is Goat Milk Soap?

It can help reduce acne breakouts. Promotes healthy skin renewal

Goat's milk soap is a natural, toxin-free alternative to traditional soaps. Our goat's milk soap is made from simple ingredients - the first being raw goat's milk. Traditional soaps usually have a long list of ingredients, the first being water.

Many people still wash their skin with water-based soap. We thought more people would switch to goat's milk soap if they only knew about its incredible nourishing benefits! Switching to raw goat's milk soap can really help balance your skin health. Goat's milk soap is wonderful for people with dry or sensitive skin, or conditions such as aczema and psoriasis. It is also perfect for healthy skin that wants to stay healthy. Fresh, unprocessed goat's milk contains powerful benefits for all skin types.

(If you already know the benefits of goat's milk soap, you can skip ahead to all our available goat's milk soaps - both scented and unscented).

Benefits of Goat's Milk Soap

Alpha-hydroxy acids

Goat's milk contains alpha hydroxy acids, such as lactic acid, which helps to remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. This natural and gentle exfoliation reveals fresh, new skin cells that are healthier, smoother and younger looking. Alpha hydroxy acids are effective exfoliants because they break the bonds that hold dead skin cells together.

The build-up of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin can cause flaking and irritation. Regular removal of these dead skin cells helps many skin conditions by removing the irritant and promoting healthy skin development. Water-based soaps sometimes use harsh chemical acids to achieve this, often with damaging results for the skin. Goat's milk soap is a much better alternative as it also contains essential vitamins and minerals that the skin needs.


Goat's milk contains a variety of vitamins, but is particularly rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for the body to repair damaged skin tissue and maintain healthy skin. Several medical studies have shown that creams and soaps containing vitamin A have reduced fine lines and wrinkles, control acne and provide some relief from psoriasis.

Goat's milk is rich in niacin, which recent studies show helps protect your skin from the sun. It also contains vitamins such as thiamine and vitamin B6 - both of which contain the growth and maintenance of healthy skin. Water-based soaps may be artificially fortified with vitamins, but most are not. Since these soaps also don't contain alpha hydroxy acids, the minerals they may contain have a hard time being delivered to the deeper layers of your skin.


Fat molecules play an important role in making a good soap. The cream in goat's milk helps to enhance the moisturising quality of goat's milk soaps. Since many people suffer from dry skin, especially during the winter months, this is an important quality for soap. The fat content of the soap helps seal in moisture to your skin - making your skin softer and smoother for longer. Goat's milk soap moisturises your skin on many levels and does not dry it out like commercially available soaps. This is important because moisture helps keep your skin healthy.


Goat's milk naturally contains many important minerals for your skin. Minerals, like vitamins, help to maintain healthy, balanced skin.


Although potassium cannot be absorbed by the skin, it can help create the skin barrier needed to retain moisture.


Magnesium can help calm irritated skin.It can help reduce acne breakouts. Promotes healthy skin renewal


Scientists believe that selenium plays an important role in preventing skin cancer. Selenium may also help prevent skin damage caused by excessive sun exposure. Many areas of the United States have selenium-poor pastures. At Goat Milk Stuff, our dairy goats receive a selenium booster, to ensure that their mineral needs are met.

While the water used in other soaps may contain marginal levels of minerals such as calcium, sodium or iron (commonly found in tap water), this is of little help when it comes to your skin. Goat's milk soap is rich in the minerals your skin needs to be healthy. The pH balance is one of the benefits often mentioned when discussing goat's milk soap on other websites. You can read why I didn't list pH as one of the reasons why goat's milk is better for your skin.

Whether your skin is healthy or not, it will certainly benefit from using our handmade soap which has been made with raw unprocessed goat's milk fresh from our farm. If you need advice on where to start, we can help! If you have sensitive or problem skin, check out our unscented Purity Goat's Milk Soap. Our most popular scented goat's milk soap, with oatmeal, milk and honey, is ideal for all skin types. If you still have questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help!
